Sachin Nayak, Ravindra Nayak and Swapnil Patil together took a Bold decision to preserve the Elegance of Beauty in COVID. Actresses Niharika Raizada and Janhavi Killeker inaugurated the brand space.

 Sachin Nayak, Ravindra Nayak and Swapnil Patil together took a Bold decision to preserve the Elegance of Beauty in COVID. Actresses Niharika Raizada and Janhavi Killeker inaugurated the brand space.


The grand launch of the multi brand ‘Bold Elegant Beauty’ took place in Thane, which is one of the metropolitan cities of Maharashtra. BEB was inaugurated by Miss India UK Niharika Raizada and the renowned actress Janhavi Killeker. Niharika stepped in excitedly to the first store launch of the franchise. Niharika Raizada is well touched and insightful towards the attractiveness and maquillages. She stated that “I am always overjoyed to determine finest beauty supplements as my occupation is methodically connected with the beauty and skincare industry. I strongly believe that the wisely chosen range of brands and products of BEB for all skin kinds and shades are going to be the next and forever preferred of all women including me.” She heartily cheered the founders Mr. Ravindra Nayak .Mr. Sachin Nayak and Swapnil Patil and proudly announced the impending store in Kalwa (Thane). She accentuated and praised the idea of BEB of having organic beauty products in their catalogue which makes it a steadfast brand both personally and jobwise.

The stunning Marathi Actress Janhavi Killeker took a step forward to support this unusually conceptualized brand and said that she truthfully considers that attractiveness comes from inside but virtuous beauty products certainly boost the respectable appearance of everybody which is needed particularly in our Showbiz Industry. She sanguinely quantified that, “I am very definite that BEB and its inheritors, Mr. Nayak and Mr. Patil will craft wonders through their forethought arrangements for all beauties.”

When questioned to one of the owners Mr. Swapnil Patil, he fleetingly uttered that “We are planning to open numerous franchises on Pan India level. We decided to initiate with Thane and shortly we shall be opening one franchise in Pune as well. Habitually, when someone strategize to open such stores that comes with very extraordinary overheads, but we have come up with some inimitable concepts where we can benefit the franchise owner to relish supreme paybacks with the lowest hoards. We are always open for all type of venture arrangements.” In backing of this statement, the co-owner of the store, Mr.  Swapnil Patil specified, “I shall be looking into the franchise part and be definite that no beauty shall agonize due to COVID-19 lockdown to look stunning with our enormous array of Herbal and Organic in-store products. We desire to have franchises not only inside the Domestic terrains but we want to target the entire Biosphere.”

The brand ‘Bold Elegant Beauty’ aka ‘BEB’ is not narrow to the store based franchises but shortly scheduling to publicize Beauty Salon, Spa, Academy, etcetera under the flag of BEB. The proprietors are visionary and they desire that their clientele should not just purchase the products but absorb the precise techniques of usage. They are planning to demonstrate the methods which are effortlessly attainable to triumph over the beauty looked-for. Thus, they come up with the inkling of opening the Salons and Institutions. The Nayaks and Patil are open for all type of commercial tie-ups as they want to headlong this prolific legacy to all who yearn to have their own names in beauty and skincare business.

-Swati Bhat

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